ANT100Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hopi Language, Paul Kay, Hopi

ANT100Y1 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary
In boas study of american aboriginal languages he discovered features that suggested to him that languages served people as classificatory devices for dealing with their environment and realities. Specialized vocabularies serve classificatory functions across the world, encoding realities that seem to be critical by certain cultures. Language and terminology evolves alongside culture and the trends that are in . E. g. today we have terminology for iphones and ipods but back then we had terminology for typewriters. Changes in language mirror changes in society and culture. Language comes to change how we perceive the world since the words we use populate the brain and guide its everyday tasks of referring to the world (chapter looks at ways in which language and cognition are intertwined). In 19th ce the interplay between language and thought came to be known as the. Wh suggests that language structures influence native speakers to attend to certain concepts as being necessary.