ANT100Y1 Midterm: Study Guide for Term Test 1 [Bio Part 1]

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ANT100Y1 Full Course Notes
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Tt1-review-biology /physical antropology section (please use lecture notes as main material, this is just used for org purpose + book keywords& highlights) Key terms: (in order of appearance or connectiveness) Morphology, ecology, behaviour of human and non-human primates (living and extinct) Human variation e. g natural selection, geo climate, body size, skin colour. Foresic antho eg dental skull in legal setting. System- phy resembles, species, genus, religious (not evolutionist), places human with primates in same grp. Vs later- [typological] systematic classify j by common traits vs. later morphological. Many theories turned to be true e. g. earth history age, founded biogeography j dif env dif plants/animal de buffon against fixity of species: god, create and always exist [~creationism] 1st describe inheritance of acquired characteristcs in extre sitatuion, starting tree reach, no longer needed gone. Ship, no fixity of species, fossil, variety- why- must be good for them, cross eassy by thoomas maltus on pop, species adapt to env,

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