ANT200Y1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: List Of Domesticated Animals, Social Inequality, Mousterian

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28 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Ant 200: midterm review: dating method, radiocarbon dating (pg. Material dated: organic remains including charcoal, bone, wood, and shell. The death of an organism removes it from the carbon exchange reservoir, and radioactive carbon-14 begins to decay at a steady rate (photosynthesis: an organism stops accumulating c14 when it dies, the decay clock then begins) The concentration of carbon-14 relative to other isotopes of carbon is the basis for calculating the time since the death of an organism. Because of uctuations in the concentration of carbon-14 in the global reservoir, carbon-14 dates have to be calibrated to arrive at a calendar date. Accelerator mass spectrometry (ams) allows for the dating of very small samples: argon dating (pg. Materials dated: volcanic rock and ash, meteoric glass (tektites) Measures the accumulation of argon-40 from the decay of potassium-40. The decay of potassium-40 takes place at a constant rate.