ANT203Y1 : Homonid Study Chart
Document Summary
Frugivorous dentition (slender jaw, small teeth, thin enamel) Primate- like but modern limbs, equal in length, graspy hands, no tail. Could eat a wide range of foods with its stronger teeth, so it outcompeted. Chimp-like in many ways, but no knuckle walking and smaller over all. Huge jaws, only known from jaws and teeth. Finger and toe bones, also arm bones indicate climber. Obligate biped with climbing ability prognathic face (primitive) Intermediate front teeth (between earlier taxa and later robusts) Long forearms compared to upper arms (ape like) Baby dikika (ethiopia), 3 year old girl with strong shoulders (climber?) and bipedal legs. First discovered australopithecin e was the taung baby , who was an africanus. Good intermediary between australopthecine s and paranthrapus (or robust australopithecin es) Mixed lake margin, river margin, forests and open country. Tiny canine compared to premolar- this is new.