ANT371H1 Study Guide - Negative Capability, Binary Opposition

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Derived from david rosenwasser and jill stephen"s writing analytically, 4th edition. As you read the literary texts in this course, try first to cultivate a stance that rosenwasser and stephen (r & s) describe with a number of contrasts. One way to try this is to adopt the role of the observer and gatherer of data, rather than leaping directly into the position of the interpreter ( what does this mean? ) or judge ( is this realistic/true/well written? ). Work against the tendency to formulate a conclusion (interpretation/thesis) and find 10 examples to support it (that is, doing 1 on 10 ). Instead, choose a specific passage and analyze it in great detail, generating 10 observations about the 1 example. (of course, 10 is just an arbitrary number. ) Develop your understanding of any passage you"re analyzing by first putting it into your own words, in writing.

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