AST201H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Primary Mirror, Positron, Chromosphere

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AST201H1 Full Course Notes
AST201H1 Full Course Notes
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Matter leaves its fingerprints whenever it interacts with light, examining the color of an object is a crude way of studying the clues left by the matter it con- If we take light and disperse it into a spectrum we can see the spectral fingerprints more: the process of obtaining a spectrum and reading the information it contains is called spec- tains clearly troscopy. 5. 4 learning from light: radiation = intensity, the intensity at a given wavelength is proportional to the number of photons observed at that wavelength times the energy of those photons. The same is true of almost any large or dense object, including planets and stars. Midterm 2: law 1: each square meter of a hotter object"s surface emits more light at all wavelengths, law 2 (wien"s law): hotter objects emit photons with a higher average energy, which means a shorter average wavelength.