BIO130H1 : BIO130 Section One Guide (3)
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Proteins such as kinesin propel organelles through the cytoplasm, topoisomerase untangles knotted dna molecules. The shape of a protein is specified by its amino acid sequence. Proteins are long polymers of amino acids linked by peptide bonds, and they are always written with the n-terminus toward the left. * special case: two cysteine side chains can form disulfide bonds. Proteins fold into a conformation of lowest energy. The final folded structure, or conformation , of any polypeptide chain is generally the one that minimizes its free energy. In living cells, special proteins called molecular chaperones often assist in protein folding: also prevent exposed hydrophobic regions in newly synthesized protein chains from associating with each other to form protein aggregates. Proteins are generally between 50-2000 amino acids long: large proteins consist of protein domains which fold mostly independent of each other a helix and the.