CLA160H1 Final: Complete Study Guide - Key notes from Ancient Mediterranean World, Lecture, and Primary Sources
Document Summary
In 359 bce, its new king, philip i i, reformed the army and embarked on a program of imperialist expansion, conquering neighbouring peoples including some athenian allies and colonies. equipped the infantry phalanx with a long pike called a sarisa. The athenians were preoccupied with problems closer to home and unable to convince other greek cities to join in an alliance against philip. didn"t mount a resistance until 341 bce, but were defeated by philip in 338 bce. In 339 bce, the greek cities jointly agreed to an alliance with macedonia and appointed philip their leader. philip proclaimed his intention to lead them in a war of revenge against persia, but was assassinated in 336 bce: alexander the great. alexander iii was just twenty years old when he became king. began his reign by crushing a revolt of the city of thebes and enslaving its population.