CLA232H1 Midterm: Midterm Study Pack

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15 Mar 2011

Document Summary

First stages of inhabitance minoan and mycenaean civilizations: mycenaean period 1600-1200bce. Poleis- mycenae, tiryns, pylos, athens, thebes, orchomenos, and folksier. Politics- ruled by monarchies, the king was the top most level of society; all else either worked for the king or were self-employed. Polis- ancient greek city-state, composed of both rural and urban areas (pl. poleis) Linear b- the first surviving script for writing greek which died out after the mycenaean collapse, derived from linear a which was the minoan language preceding the mycenaean period: dark ages 1200-800bce. The period between the fall of the mycenean civilizations and the readoption of writing. After the trojan wars, greece was weak and was taken over by a tribe called the dorians: archaic period 750-500bce. City states evolved and adopted their own unique cultures (all greek city-states began as monarchies) They were ruled by a basileus a hereditary king but monarchies were later overthrown with several other political alternatives: classical period 490-323bce.