ENG234H1 : missing lecture 3

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12 Dec 2010

Document Summary

Literature read by children, but not appropriated for children. Paxton"s printing printed fables and tales such as these. Puritan mission: never too young to go to hell. Revivalist group, instead of depending on church for relation to god, it should be more direct. The young age of the child compared with the maturity with which she acts is an interesting comparison. Format, with verse numbering similar like a bible. She is full of doubt and anxiety in the face of death. The story is very demanding of a child"s intellect and spiritual understanding. Her fate in death is sealed, but whether or not she"ll have an afterlife is the climax. The dates are crafted with meaning, she falls ill on a friday (good friday) then sunday she rises (easter sunday) Not preachy in telling what not to do, it"s saying do this instead. Bunyan is empowering, saying to go out and kill the bee.

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