FAH102H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ancient Roman Architecture, Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, Art History

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The work of art i: the visual analysis 1/12/2012 3:03:00 pm. Historical insight regarding initial attempts to establish scientific criteria for the scrutiny of pictures by means of visual analysis. Scientific - the emerging discipline of art history had to compete with other academic fields such as history and natural sciences . 1848 taught at pdagogium in basel and in 1855 at the polytechnic. 1858 to 1893 he held the chair of history and art history at the university of basel. Between 1846 1856 he made several long trips to italy, partly to escape his feeling of oppression and loneliness. Emphasized the individual person as the starting point of a historical study. Distrust of historical progress was not in tune with the generally optimistic cultural-historical writing of the time. Accepted the concept of a universal spirit expressed in culture. He believed that the process of growth and decay follow laws which are basically beyond human understanding.

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