GGR124H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Great Lakes Megalopolis, Environmentalism, Lewis Mumford

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Document Summary

Dense places of intense social interaction and exchange between strangers. Cities are ordered by population size and functions performed. These are determined by concentrations of economic, cultural, wealth- generating and population factors. The growth of metropoles (the largest urban areas), usually in relation to smaller urban areas or at cost to other regions - toronto metropolized when it amalgamated its inner suburbs. Urban sprawl is suburbanization to the nth degree. Proportion of the labour force in non-agricultural occupations. Measures commuting flows and distances into an aggregate core and periphery of the labour market - census metropolitan area vs. Cities grow only because because cities are linked. Cities are centres of production, service delivery and innovation. The relationship between individuals and their environment, based on the physical characteristics of the natural environment - rivers, coasts, climates, sightings, topographies. The relationship between individuals and their changing environment (temporal), based on physical characteristics of the built environment - lots, stylings, architecture, gentrification.