HIS243H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hispaniola, Primogeniture, Local Natives

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17 Feb 2013

Document Summary

Francis i: came to pwr in time of political instability, internal, a lot of divion, 15th century- consolidation of french territory, 16th century- first half internal war, second half external. Triggered before francis had come to throne. France thought they had claim to naples. Italy was place to fight wars, to be able to control it bc of wealth: 1515- comes to power. Decides to invade italy again in 1515. 1519-1520- concern and feels need to act against charles and form alliance against him. Bring back a lot of italian culture to france. Patron of da vinci: dies in 1547, succeeded by son henri ii. Concerned with keeping dynasty on throne, his older brother was suppose to rule but he died. Launches own battle against the hapsburg until the 50s. Both sides run out of money, have to have peace. Joust to mark peace, henri wants to be in it.