HIS243H1 : Notes for all the readings
Document Summary
Poggio bracciolini, the ruins of rome (379-384) (year 1430) Poggio bracciolini and his friend antonio lusco would contemplate the desert ruins that used to be the great empire of rome. Disaster of fall of rome exceeds all other historical disasters, whether natural or from hand of man. Rome encapsulated culture, military discipline, morals, laws, virtues, great rulers/emperors, heros etc Lorenzo valla, the glories of the latin language (131-135) (year 1430-1440) Latin is noblest and t ruest language of the soul. Latin taught people the liberal arts, the best laws, made way for wisdom, and removed people from the status of barbarians. Latin is glory of rome, it enhanced vernaculars and promoted peace and love. Latin is a reminder of the former glory of rome. Latin is a single language and therefore better than the many languages of greece. Sad for the decline of latin because of the destruction of rome.