HIS263Y1 : Key Term Defined

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11 Apr 2011

Document Summary

50,000-10,000 years ago: asiatic humans arrived in north america via beringia. Within this group of people, there were at least 50 different linguistic groups. The greatest population of people were concentrated along the atlantic coast due to high fishing yields. Land that connected russia and alaska 50,000 years ago, permitting the. Pre-contact era: tremendous change occurs in north america before the arrival of. After the ice age, environmental changes rocked the continent, changing agricultural, social, and economical norms. As these changes occurred and species began to change, the aboriginal communities were able to expand their populations, giving way to larger populations to come into existence. North america"s aboriginals had previously never encountered these diseases. By the early 20th century, roughly 500 years after the initial and permanent arrival of european settlers, as much as 95% of the aboriginal population had been wiped out.