HIS263Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Giovanni Da Verrazzano, North West Company, Iroquoian Languages
Document Summary
French explorer who in 1534, 1535, and 1541 embarks on extremely significant voyages down the st. lawrence river. using information brought back by giovanni de verrazano in 1524, cartier arrives in the st. lawrence river and encountered aboriginal people. on his 1534 voyage he planted a cross proclaiming the land for france. on his 1535 voyage he arrived in a village called stadacona, home of the king. The descriptions that cartier and his crew left about their initial interactions with the mi"kmaq suggests that they had had previous contact with europeans (they waved fur on sticks to initiate trade) vikings. he was the first european to map the st. lawrence river. he gave the land the name canada, after the i roquois names for the settlements at. planting the cross presumed a superiority of christianity over the aboriginal religions and he staked a claim for france, laying the groundwork for a permanent.