IMM250H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pneumocystis Jirovecii, César Milstein, Orthomyxoviridae
Document Summary
The immune system - a historical perspective the history of immunology. The black death, one of the deadliest pandemics in human history. Responsible for killing 30-60% of all europeans from 1350-1400. Europe s population did not recover until 1550. Plagues / pandemics change the shape of history Plague was thought to be spread through the trade routes. Migrations to cities resulted in further disease propagation. Rats carried the fleas which harboured yersinia pestis,a bacteria that is the causal agent. Unfortunately cats were deemed evil during this period, not helping matters. Farmers were affected by disease and food supplies are cut off causing starvation. Mongol empire collapsed in central asia as a result of the black death. In the absence of a mechanism of disease, superstitious views dominated and persecutions of. Jewish groups occurred as others suspected them of poisoning wells. Civic services were shut down and to keep up, peasants were further taxed.