NMC101H1 Final: Exam review based on readings + lec notes from last year
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Important terms, concepts or ideas for nmc review including essay topics. Essay topics: culture of the islamic world, arabic language, islamic views on government, sufism, islamic art, religious minorities, traditions and modernity. W,7/47802-arid90% ; major rivers/fertile regions: tigris and euphrates rivers (fertile. Crescent), nile river, amu darya and syr darya rivers, indus river. Why? human geography greatly influenced by physical geographythe study of the physical landscape of the earth. Muhammad and the beginning of the islamic era. Before the rise of islam, two rival empires were on the decline and a power vaccum was created in region. Arabian peninsula 6th c. lnot civilizational centre; pastoral nomads; trading centres; religionslchristianity, judaism, zoroastrianism, animism/polytheism. Begins in arabian peninsula---not center of any civilization, no rivers. But had trade routes and important trade centers www. notesolution. com. cultural, religious differences both vying for control of southern. Who? main political entitieslbyzantium (in west, christian), sasanian/persian empire (in east, West: byzantine empire: greek orthodox christianity, greek hellenistic.