POL101Y1 Study Guide - Athenian Democracy, Proletariat, Bourgeoisie

51 views5 pages
11 Feb 2013

Document Summary

This document has most of the terms covered throughout the course of pol101. The terms have their according definitions and i compiled it for everyone in hopes that it will help them on their exams. Unfortunately i didn"t think of putting it in alphabetical order because i"m a dumbass. Just use the find function for the word(s) that you"re looking for. Fascism: a form of government where the interests of the government is obtained through the means of the people. This ideology forces ideas and norms out if they are deemed unfit, and forces everyone under one belief and one rule. Lead by one person who is seen as supreme. Socialism: economic viewpoint, where everything is commonly owned. Communism: ideology where a classless society would exist and sustain itself, politically, economically, and socially. There would be no dominant class and everything would be shared equally amongst all citizens, and there would be a central plan to everything.

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