POL320Y1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cosmopolitanism, Bildung, Misanthropy
Document Summary
Pol320 midterm key points | study notes. Pity/self-preservation/egocentrism: amour se soi | amour-propre. Authenticity has been threatened, perhaps destroyed, by progress. (romantic ~ discourse) Reason tells us that we"re fundamentally free & that consent is the only basis of legitimate political rule. (enlightenment ~ social contract) Humans aren"t things, can"t be used as such each has immeasurable worth (reason, which all possess, tell us this) dignity & respect. For all virtues: if bad character/intentions/will, could be used for bad things. Create a morality to which everybody has equal access; universal law* [of nature = irregularity] Only humans have purpose; choose ends & give values to those ends; our choices create value. Universalization; humans have immeasurable worth, dignity worthy of respect. Morality sets limits, doesn"t give direction all perfect duties are don"ts just create side constraints. Kant"s characterization of what it means to be human: dignity, respect & autonomy.