PSY100H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Wilhelm Wundt, Gestalt Psychology, Experimental Psychology
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Research on the mind, brain and behavior has accumulated over time to produce the. Psych science is the study of the mind, brain, and behavior: mind: mental activity, brain: biological process, behavior: variety of actions that occur in organisms. 1. ) the principles of psychological science are cumulative principles of psych science. 2. ) a new biological revolution is energizing research: deeper understanding of the human mind and behavior, three developments have set the stage for this bio rev. Neurotransmitters: brain chemistry, the human genome, watching the working brain. 3. ) the mind is adaptive: the mind has been shaped by evolution, evolutionary theory. Sum: the human mind is adaptive in both bio and cultural terms. We need to focus on both to understand mind brain and behavior. 4. ) psych science crosses levels of analysis (loas) Individual: cultural, interpersonal, individual differences, perception and cognition, behavior, brain systems, nurochemical, genetic, biological.