PSY100H1 : summary from textbook
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PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary
Chapter one the evolution of society: contributions of wundt and hall. Established the first formal laboratory for research in psychology. Declared that the new psychology should be a science modeled after fields such as physics and chemistry. According to him, psychology"s primary focus was consciousness the awareness of immediate experience. Psychology became the scientific study of conscious experience. Demanded that the methods be as scientific as those of chemists and physicists: stanley hall. Estalbished america"s first research laboratory in psychology. Establisehd the american psychological association (apa). www. notesolution. com: structuralism versus functionalism. Structuralism: psychology is to analyze consciousness into its basic elements and investigate how these elements are related. Structuralists wanted to identify and examine the fundamental components of conscious experience, such as sensations, feelings, and images. Introspection: careful, systematic self-observation of one"s own conscious experience. Functionalism: psychology should investigate the function of purpose of consciousness, rather than its structure. The typical characteristics of a species must serve some www. notesolution. com purpose.