PSY100H1 : Book notes, ch 11
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PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
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Chapter 11- human development across the life span. N zygote: a non-celled organism formed by the union of a sperm and an egg. N prenatal period: extends from conception to birth, usually encompassing nine months of pregnancy. The course of prenatal development: germinal stage. N germinal stage: the first phase of prenatal development, encompassing the first two weeks after conception. z2lll l z yzzl zk k z bloodstream, and bodily wastes to pass out to the mother: embryonic stage. N embryonic stage: the second stage of prenatal development, lasting from two weeks until the end of the second month: fetal stage. N fetal stage: the third stage of prenatal development, lasting from two months through birth. N age of viability: the age at which a baby can survive in the event of a premature pregnancy. Environmental factors and prenatal development: maternal nutrition, maternal drug use.