PSY100H1 Final: Study Notes on the BRAIN - Structure & Basic Functions. Date not accurate.
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PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
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Communicates info to & from the rest of the body. Brainstem : (above spinal cord, in front of cerebellum) also capable of autonomous function! Basic programs of survival: breathing swallowing urinating orgasm vomiting. Like the spinal cord of the head: gagging reflex= similar to spinal cord"s stretch reflex. Reticular formation: networks of neurons which project into the. All parts = identical in cellular organization, but performing different functions identical operations on all its inputs, different effects resulting from diff origins & destinations of info. Motor learning: operates independently of the rest of the brain, unconsciously (ex: bike riding while thinking of other stuff, playing the piano without thinking about it) Balance: damage to nodes @ bottom head tilt, balance probs, loss of. Smooth compensation of eye position when head is moving (ex: when you run, your head bobs up and down but the world seems to stay still,