PSY100H1 Final: Study Notes on PERSONALITY - date not accurate
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PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
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We are searching for stable attributes of the self. We are arguing about how useful personality constructs are. M ichel huge variety in behaviour power of the situation. Freud personality theories based on in-depth analysis of patients. Analyzed conflicts between id, ego & superego to look for insights into motivation & behaviour. Show us that our ways of thinking can be remarkably resistant to reality. cognitive dissonance discrepancies between explanations to oneself and ones own behaviour. Attributing qualities of yourself you don"t like/can"t accept others. Concocting a seemingly logical excuse for otherwise shameful / unexplainable behaviour (festinger & carlsmith) Person with no friends calls others socially impaired. I said the experiment was fun because it. Yelling at your friend after being insulted at the gym. Emphasize integrated personal experiences (phenomenology) & belief systems, propose that people seek personal growth (self-actualization) Types: discrete categories based on globally-defined personality characteristics.