PSY240H1 : Abnormal Psychology.rtf
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PSY240H1 Full Course Notes
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People with anxiety disorder are aware that their thought are irrational but they cannot stop it. Behavior is inconsistent in some sense to be described as psychological disorder. The greater the deviation of the curve, the more likely we can describe as psychological disorder. How rare does behaviour have to be in order to be atypical/considered a disorder. Someone who has depression for 14 days it would be coded as a depressive episode. Someone who has 2 panic attack that comes out of no where within four weeks - then we can code it panic disorder. Dsm: committee within university which sets boundaries/coding, how to diagnose. Behaviour can be coded as abnormal if it violates/breaks some sort of social norm: abnormality can be defined by certain cultural norms. There are no universally assumed psychological disorders/no single universal definition of abnormality (relative to person"s culture) You have to be an m. d. first. Visits 3-4 times a week for about 4. 5 years.