PSY240H1 Midterm: Textbook notes Ch 12, 13, 8 (midterm 3)
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PSY240H1 Full Course Notes
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Substance abuse: (1) hazardous behav, such as driving while drunk (2) continued use aside from social/psych/health problems. Substance dependent: more sever forms of substance use disorder, involves marked physiological need for increasing amounts of substance to achieve desire effects. Dependence: indiv will show a tolerance for a drug. Alch is a nervous system stimulant & depressant. Clinical picture of alcohol abuse & dependence: causes decreased sexual inhibition, lower sexual performance, blackouts, lapses of memory, hangovers: headaches, nausea, fatigue, effects on brain: at lower levels of alcohol it activates brain pleasurable areas releasing opioids. Full blown symptoms of alcoholic psychosis (1) disorientation for time & place (2) vivid hallucinations (3) acute fear (4) extreme suggestibility (5) tremors (6) perspiration, weak heartbeat, coated tongue, foul breath. Alcohol amnesic disorder korsakoff"s syndrome : memory defect, falsification of events/confabulation, delirious, delusional, disorientated for time & place, impairments in planning, judgment, intellect, emotions deficits; vitamin b deficiency; memory restored w. abstinence.