PSY270H1 Final: Fill-in-the-blanks (definitions) for Final Exam

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PSY270H1 Full Course Notes
PSY270H1 Full Course Notes
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Amnesia for events that occur after an injury that is, the inability to form new memories. Compare to retrograde amnesia the inability to remember information from the past. Inability to remember events from one"s own childhood. Maybe due to language development or immature parts of the brain. A procedure in which pairing a neutral stimulus with a stimulus that elicits a response causes the neutral stimulus to elicit that response. Priming that occurs when the enhancement caused by a priming stimulus is based on the meaning of the stimulus. For example, presentation of the word furniture causing a faster response to later presentation of the word chair. Memory that involves conscious recollections of events or facts that we have learned in the past. Episodic memory memory for specific events that have happened to the person having the memory. These events are usually remembered as a personal experience that occurred at a particular time and place.

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