PSY370H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Verbal Overshadowing, Motivation, Cognitive Flexibility
Document Summary
If so, our performance on purebred insight problems are not generalizable: gilhooly & murphy. Insight experience correlates w/ solution activation in the rh. told subjects what is meant by insight & non-insight & the associated experiences subjects given a bunch of non-labeled problems, told to report when they are having an insight experience. Results: when patients were working on problems that they reported to be associated with insight, they showed a quick hemispheric lateralization to the rh. Across subjects, the same problems were associated with the same reports and the same type of brain activity (lateralization: specifically, in the right anterior supramarginal temporal gyrus, eeg showed increased activity almost immediately before solution. Correlates with f. o. w. data! (metcalfe s feeling-of-warmth theory) To get a solution to an insight problem, we make a sudden shift to a landscape/gestalty view of the environment (rh), and then a quick shift back (lh) - probably verifying our solution.