RLG100Y1 Midterm: Hinduism Terms and definitions religion exam 2011
Document Summary
Hinduism terms and definitions: atman- i t is the true self beyond sensory perception. I t is also the idea that people often mistake their real self with their apparent self in identifying with it. A person should attempt to remove self from immediate identification of ego self. The atman is significant because it is one small component involved with achieving moksa. That is because if a person is able to remove themselves from their ego self then they would be able to avoid worldy desires. I t is also significant because it shows doctrinal differences between hinduism and buddhism because buddhism believes that there is no t rue atman and rather they believe in the concept of anatman. The concept of brahman also exists with the path of. Bhakti yoga (path of devotion and worship) and it is the idea that it is without limited characteristics and is beyond adjectives and qualities.