RSM230H1 Midterm: midterm study notes
Document Summary
Money market < 1 year term to maturity. 6% plus 11. 39 basis points or 6. 1139% (calculate price) (calculate effective yield) Short term securities issued by the treasury of a government. Most liquid securities in the money market multiples of ,000. The most liquid securities in the market actively traded otc. Issued at auction held through sealed bids from registered securities distributors or dealers. canada treasury bills are issued by the department of finance through an auction process conducted by the bank of canada which is the government"s fiscal agent. competitive bids - each authorized dealer can submit up to 7 bids for a minimum of ,000 in multiples of ,000. Dealers who bid the highest price (lowest yield) win treasury bills at the auction www. notesolution. com. non-competitive bids are accepted in full or pro-rated up to dealer and customer limits at the average price. Certificates of deposits (cd"s) and bearer deposit notes (bdn"s)