RSM100Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Swot Analysis, Departmentalization, Crisis Management

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26 Sep 2011

Document Summary

Rsm100 final exam study guide: what are the 4 purposes of goal setting, what are the hierarchy of plans, match, corporate-level strategies, functional strategies, business-level strategies. Industrial relations regulations: fair employment practices; standard hours, wages, vacations, and holidays; satisfaction of employees; canada industrial relations regulations, fair employment practices; standard procedures at work; safety of employees; _______________: full-time work, part-time work, contingent work, internships, more responsibility, andrall pearson, former chairman and new director of yum! All of the following are types of transformation processes except: fabrication processes, transport processes, clerical processes, office processes, assembly processes. When putting together various components of a good, such as electronics, a company is using _____________: chemical processes, clerical processes, assembly processes, transport processes, line processes. An analytic process is one in which: resources are gathered, engineers build a model for a product, resources are distributed, engineers form the concept of the product through meetings and research, resources are broken down.