SLA100H1 Final: examnotes.doc

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Olenin escape deaths, past, class society; not on level of moscow / cossacks not people. Idealization of nature grandeur a. b. c. Woman, loft; weak corrupted in nature, elemental; wild deer. Consciousness of surroundings of death, part a. b. c. Grass grow on grave lukasha doesn"t care about death; brothers die. Type jeune home; year of thrift (financial) Egotism fine young man, not like aides etc. Everything in the world in which he had lived. Death grass will grow, egotist whatever o o o o o o o o o. Hostile ladn that had brought him forth, received back hostile o o o. Moral sobering when walked along country road vanished. Intent on burying us in a convent: relatives exile, charity kept, stefan excluded from life, enforced idleness stop thinking, pavel hate company, special fantastic world, porphry lost all connection, napoleon after died; mental. Grandma depressing monotony, no material comfort nor food for intellect nor work o o intoxication.

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