[SOC101Y1] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (108 pages long!)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Step 11th lecture 1 introduction to sociology. The compass, the lenses and the snowflake. Soc101y introduction to sociology (no prerequisites, but no soc102 or soc103) Sociology is the systematic study of human action in social context. It is based on the idea that our relations with other people create opportunities for us to think and act but also set limits on our thoughts and action. Sociology is an elastic discipline that shares some elements in common with many other fields. Underlying sociology is philosophy and its concepts of : Early social philosophers contributed to classical sociology theory through these fundamental tenets: Thomas hobbes"s assertion that government"s appropriate role lies in preserving peace while allowing individuals to pursue their self-interests. John locke"s belief in individual freedom and autonomy. Charles de montesquieu"s comparative methodology and his appreciation for cultural diversity. Jean-jacques rousseau"s analysis of the social contract and his belief in individual autonomy.