SOC101Y1 Study Guide - Ascribed Status, Social Stratification, Petite Bourgeoisie

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Inequalities in wealth can threaten social capability (poor resenting the wealth & Low ranking = having little power, wealth, & prestige; generally a higher position. Also means: manner in which valued resources wealth, power, & prestige are. Inequalities in power can be used to maintain social order. Social stratification in one form or another exists in all societies; much more. Social stratification: persistent patterns of social inequality within society. Particular groups (unemployed, homeless, women, youth, refugees, immigrants, Britain has aristocracy where children of wealthy & powerful families of long. Caste system (india): caste into which an individual is born largely determines. Canada offers many more chances for upward mobility, indication of a more open. Social stratification system consists of a # of different hierarchies, some based on. Women on average earn 75% of what men earn. Older women more likely to be living in poverty. Status: rank or position that a person has within a social hierarchy.