SOC101Y1 Final: Sociology Exam Review
Document Summary
Classificatory schemes: help us see and understand the world in certain ways. Distantiation: process of gaining additional insight through social distance. Naturalization: past knowledge is erased or forgotten: three examples of naturalized phenomena: body, language, time. Postcolonial theory: rejects the portrayal of non-western people as the other . Sociology: systematic study of human action in context. Protestant ethic: religious doubts can be reduced if people work diligently. Agreement reality: what we know as part of the culture we share with those around us. Experimental reality: what we know from personal experience and discovery. Epistemology: science of knowing and understanding (connected to methodology) Replication: repeating a research study in order to either confirm the findings or bring them into question. Deviant cases: those who do not fit in the general pattern. Gambler"s fallacy: illogical day-to-day reasoning (if the weather has been really good lately, we expect rain. If were on a hot streak in poker, we expect to lose soon)