SOC101Y1 : study guide

79 views5 pages
10 Mar 2011

Document Summary

Starts with saint simone already talked point profoundly simone influenced durkheim. 1st simone not kant who founded sociology not sociology social physics, mentoned the disciplinbce kant stident of his coined the term sociology and altruism. Simon inspired positivist and inspired functionalist view, very fashionable very criticsm. In book makes argument, makes claim that goes back to plato, way back plato defined justice as specialization meant by it specialize that it leads to interdependence subjective speaking need each other. Durkehiem realize durkehiem recognized defects in industrial capitalist system and conflict it was casuing , sometime took a violent form. Produce and maintain a just order different way than marx. Problem of order , look around middle east looks calm and explodes, social problems with us. Adresss question create and maintain social order that is descent hitler promised 1000 year reich rule over slavic interland, www. notesolution. com.