SOC101Y1 : study guide

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22 Mar 2011

Document Summary

In the beginning of the 20th century there was a reaction against all of the principles of the enlightenment. perfectibility of the human being, progression of human beings from lower stages to higher stages. expressed itself best in tocqueville and harriet taylor and john stuart mill, belief in liberal democracy. Liberal democracy: presupposes an educated citizenry that have a rational consciousness that can distinguish between policies that are in their interest compared to those that are against their interest. pareto is an anti-enlightenment movement, denied that human beings were rational creatures. argued that if human beings were rational beings, there wouldn"t be war, etc. The prince must do a bunch of stuff, read 260. main foils of pareto: the enlightenment ideas (liberal democracy) prodhon: class struggle in france made it inevitable that dictatorship would happen.

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