SOC102H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Petite Bourgeoisie, Structural Functionalism, Ascribed Status
Document Summary
According to marx, capitalism is defined by conflict between a small number of capitalists and a large number of workers. This strategy eats the investigation of society as if it were a system of parts interconnected to form various. [argument a] poverty is a reflection of the unequal power of different groups in society. One small group of people dominates, holding wealth and power, and they impose poverty on others in society. [argument b] we should pay attention to the meanings that we attach to poor people, such as the stigmatization of the poor as lazy and morally suspect. We can learn more about the consequences of poverty by examining interactions between poor and non-poor people. [argument c] poverty exists because it has positive functions for society, such as providing a market doe secondhand goods and a class of people to do society;s dirty, dangerous, and menial jobs.