UNI101Y1 Study Guide - Species Evenness, Logarithmic Scale, Species Richness

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Bio120h lisa zhao 2011 | page 1 chapter 20: biodiversity. Why do so many org. live in the tropics: diversity increases w/o limit over time tropics are older, thus had time to accumulate more species. Diversity is a matter of history: diversity reaches an equilibrium at which the appearance of new species balances the loss of already existing species. Factors that add species weigh more heavily (and those that remove species less heavily) in the balance towards the tropics. But variation also occurs w/in latitudinal belts. Suggests that a variety of processes influence the # of species somewhere. Patterns in diversity that reflect the variations in temp. and precip. w/in a latitudinal belt imply the influence of local processes. Var iat io n in t h e r el at ive ab un dan c e o f s pec ies in fluen c es. C o n c ept s o f b io diver sit y.