UNI101Y1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Autoeroticism, Toilet Training, Psychosexual Development
Document Summary
We like change food is about culture etc. Never denying physiology, but argues there is more than that. Libido instead of sex/sexuality manifests itself: libido is a drive/force through which the instinct, it undergoes change, takes different objects, is not fixed in intensity or position, involves satisfaction and it"s fulfillment. 3 phases of psychosexual development: oral. Based on mouth and lips (baby is breastfeeding) Freud says that baby will continue sucking on breast even when not hungry. Learning about new ways of relating to the world and to one"s own body. Control over bodily functions (and reactions to them) Pleasure & pain; discipline, control, loss, humiliation: anal. Freud argues that before the genital phase all children think of themselves as the same no distinction between the sexes. Ambivalence = the very thing that gives me pleasure is the thing that causes me pain (think of wood/desk example)