[WGS385H1] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 26 pages long Study Guide!

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Ma rxis t fe m in is t re s tru c tu rin g o f th e fe m in is m p ro je c t. Specific ways in which capitalism oppresses women. Distinction between public and private correlates with waged and unwaged labour. Marxist feminists argue that the exclusion of women from productive labour leads to male control in both private and public domains. Women"s liberation requires recognition and compensation for their unwaged labour. 1884, engels published the origin of the family, private property and the state. A lot of erasures in her article. Productive labour: labour results in goods or services that have monetary value in the capitalist system and workers are compensated by the producers in the form of a paid wage. Capitalism makes profit through surplus value: the excess of value produced by labour of workers over the wages they are paid.