SOCI 100B Final: All Soci 100B notes

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#2 briefly review the significance of the threshold in bruce"s research and perform the same comparative analysis between the structure of the church and the room you are writing your final in. I think it"s best to just focus on doing a quick diagram of both what. I did for the church in victoria, but also the gym. Use any white space on the exam to do that, there"s a couple sheets at the back, and just say, Begin your question with really just reviewing what i was interested in, the born again christians, experience in victoria, and then just outline, in maybe a paragraph, how the research kind of unfolded. Use a few examples, the ceremony and some of the insights i saw while i was attending the church. For the second half of the answer, really use the same type of a lens, a critical sociological lens, to explore the gym.