Anatomy and Cell Biology 2221 Study Guide - Dorsal Scapular Nerve, Transverse Abdominal Muscle, Rectus Abdominis Muscle

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Frontalis: two bellied muscle, 2 functions: Orbicularis oculi: surrounds the eye, used for blinking. Zygomaticus major/minor: smiling muscle, stems of the zygomatic process, insertion: the corner of the lips. Obicularis oris: kissing muscle-sphincter around the mouth. Risorius: cheeks toward the teeth whistle, corner o the mouth, originates off parotid gland. Depressor anguli oris: inserts at the corner of the mouth, originates from the mandible. Platysma: originates at the mandible, inserts pectoralis major. Innervation of the facial muscles is cranial nerve 7. Masseter: originates from the zygomatic process down to the angle of the mandible, bridge over the top of the temporalis muscle, largest and strongest within the jaw, innervated by the mandibular nerve. Temporalis: originates on the temporal bone, deep under zygomatic arch, inserts on the coronoid process of mandible, helps in elevation of the jaw, innervated by the mandibular nerve.