Biology 1225 Study Guide - Final Guide: Adipose Tissue, Phloem, Cotyledon

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Negative feedback is an activity changes some condition then the change causes its own reversal. Monocot (grasses and lilies) have 1 cotyledon (leaf like structure that store food for plant embryos) and dicot (roses and oak trees) have 2 cotyledons. Xylem conducts water and dissolved mineral ions and it structurally supports the plant and are dead at maturity. Phloem conducts sugars and other organic solutes, its main sieve like tubes are alive at maturity. Roots are the first to poke through the seed coat, thickening as it grows down, and it contains the vascular cylinder which contains xylem and phloem which transport water and nutrients. Water and nutrients are largely absorbed through root hairs which increase surface area. Leaves are sugar factories with many photosynthetic cells, xylem move water to mesophyll cells and phloem carry photosynthetic products away. Stems produce new living tissue and support and elevate leaves and transport water and nutrients with xylem and phloem.