[Business Administration 2257] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (40 pages long)

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B u s i n e s s a dm i n i s t ra t i o n 2 2 5 7. Joe attributed the car accident to slippery pavement. _________: which of the following would not be part of an equity equation involving you and your co-worker darlene, your inputs, darlene"s inputs, darlene"s outputs, your outcomes, darlene"s outcomes. _________: you have two co-workers who you like to work with because they are hard workers. Sal says he works hard because of the pay and benefits. Trisha says she works hard because the job gives her feelings of achievement and accomplishment. The most important goal of virtually all organizations is: profit, survival, employee development, cost reduction. increased productivity. _________: after graduating from university, gwen decided to find a job that was consistent with the relational architecture of jobs. The book cites several examples of companies that have engaged in work sharing.