[Computer Science 1033A/B] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (12 pages long)

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COMPSCI 1033A/B Full Course Notes
COMPSCI 1033A/B Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Computers speak in: binary (0"s and 1"s) Process of translating a piece of info like image or text or sound into binary bits. 0 and 1 because computers are built from electronic devices that only have 2 possible states, on (high volt 1) and off (low volt 0) Electric signals translate into bits (digits 0 and 1 ) 1 bit = max of 2 values (t/f, b&w) 2 bit = max of 4 values (black, light grey, dark grey, white/ red, blue, yellow, black) 3 bit = max of 8 values (days of week, 8 shades of grey) Every image is broken down into pixels. If a pixel colour is represented by 1 bit Value 0 = black value 1 = white. Rule: more bits, more colours available to assign to a pixel. Conversion is a 2 step process : computer. Consider digitizing an image, sound, video, animation, text etc and storing it on the.