Economics 2165F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Gini Coefficient, Infant Mortality, Human Development Index

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At the bottom of the table put our resources where we retrieved them from. Population, pop growth, gni, gdp, infant mortality rate, life expectancy, gini coefficient, hdi, percent of the population living below the poverty line. **actual stats, not estimates** (can literally copy and paste) She will refer to our stats when we state something in our paper. (ex. Life expectancy needs to be improved: state 3 key problems that you feel face the country. Explain how these policies will help this country, relating the policies to the material and theory discussed in class. Can"t just say didn"t discuss this in class . Arguments have to have economic factors not political factor. Majority of the analysis should be spent on the suggested policies. Is limited, money doesn"t just show up, most countries are in debt. She will give extra credit for describing where you could get the money from in the country to cover different policy implementations.