English 2308E Study Guide - Final Guide: Parataxis, Trochee, Death Drive

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Naturalism = direct, personal impression, access to real, social reform, vagueness of ethics. (james) while howells wants clear, ethically unambiguous prose. Naturalists see realism as a gentile representation of upper class. Pragmatism: something becomes true, just has to be proven. Stream of consciousness, our thoughts aren"t solid or bound. Pragmatic = practical, a manner of approaching a situation. Half the things we perceive are things we"ve pre-perceived. Vagueness allows us to access more information. Characters: du bois, his wife, 1st born child, booker t. washington, alexander. Double-consciousness - living with 2 identities, negro/american. The veil, negroes have to see through it from birth. He studies the effect of segregation, says it makes black people lazy, violent, and simple-minded. The double consciousness stems from emerson, but du bois racializes it. Second sight: submitting to oppressive gaze can be disabling but also give way to broader sight. Art of fiction: always write from experience. Catherine, dr. sloper, morris townsend, mrs. penniman, mrs. almond.

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