Geography 1400F/G Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ecocentrism, Tropical And Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests

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Humans are active and dominant agents of env. tal change: any human change to an ecosystem is usually a simplification, and a simplified ecosystem usually is vulnerable, farming, build dams, cities, oil exploration. Energy and technology: energy is the capacity to do work, major source of env. tal impact, technology is the ability to convert energy into forms useful for humans. Natural resources and human values: humans continually evaluate physical env. s, only becomes a resource" if humans perceive it as useful in. Resource division :stock vs. renewable resources: biggest technological challenge is to our reliance on non-renewable fossil fuels energy. Favour of the use of renewable energy: environmental reasons: Renewable energy progress: clean energy policy: And economy: market forces will never solve env. tal problems, economic growth leads to reduction of env. tal problems. Increasing population threat: globalization local consequences on larger, global scale. General impacts on ecosystem: advanced to cause global instabilities, climate change.